A few years ago, I got a mortgage with Jesse Brun. I was very pleased and thankful for all the help he offered. Jesse was very good at explaining everything I needed to know. I want to thank him for his help and his hard work. I will definitely keep recommending him and hope to be doing business with him again.
To attain private mortgage financing in Moncton the private mortgage lending is almost always done by using a mortgage agent. Private lenders in Moncton N.B will typically provide short-term mortgage financing (1 to 2 years) to a person who has lots of equity in his/her home or commercial property. In most cases, Private lenders in Moncton N.B will borrow up to 70% value of the property being used as collateral(mortgage will normally not exceed 70% value of the property). Private lenders prefer to finance properties which are located within city limits however they will borrow in small towns or rural areas outside of The Greater Moncton Area but they may only lend up to 50 to 60% value of the property when financing outside of the city especially in rural areas.
The private lender puts more emphasis on the properties’ equity rather than looking at a person’s credit history etc. This is why Private financing is also known as equity lending. Getting Private mortgage financing can be very helpful and crucial in some situations. Private lenders in Moncton N.B are often used to pay off judgements against property, pay off major collections, stop foreclosures or court settlements, develop commercial projects, etc. If you are looking for any kind of mortgage financing I will be happy to help you by answering any of your questions, analysing your situation and then providing you and explaining to you your best options. I’m here to help you and your business is important to me. Please do not hesitate to contact me anytime at 1(888)878-4660 or email me at homeloans@jessebrun.com . Thank you very much and best regards to you!!
Mortgage Specialist